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One Hundred Primary School Students Participate in Back-to-School Bash at Fortis Belize

Cayo District, Belize (Friday, August 4, 2023) – Today, 100 primary school children from the surrounding villages Cristo Rey, Bullet Tree, Calla Creek and Santa Familia attended a back-to-school bash hosted by Fortis Belize (FBL). Participating students had the opportunity to engage with schoolmates, share stories and have lunch with FBL employees at the company's headquarters. FBL also presented each child with a backpack and essential school supplies to support them during the upcoming school year.

On August 4, 2023, Fortis Belize President and CEO Kay Menzies and supporting staff handed out backpacks and supplies to primary school students during the company's Annual Back-to-School Bash.
On August 4, 2023, Fortis Belize President and CEO Kay Menzies and supporting staff handed out backpacks and supplies to primary school students during the company's Annual Back-to-School Bash.

Community Chairpersons Sonia Torres from Santa Familia, Wilmer Guerra from Cristo Rey Village, Guo Tai Wu from Bullet Tree Falls, Ragner Smith from Calla Creek, and Councillors Neidi Carrias Santa Familia, School Principals Jose Tuyub from Cristo Rey, Rony Ulloa from Bullet Tree Falls, Oscar Guerra from Calla Creek, parents and FBL staff were all in attendance. FBL President and CEO Kay Menzies and VP Finance, Corporate Secretary and CFO Betty Tam Moreno shared remarks. Manager of Health, Safety and Environment Albert Roches delivered a safety message, and student representatives from each school gave a reflection on the occasion.

FBL President and CEO Kay Menzies said, "Fortis Belize is pleased to support our surrounding communities and encourages education for all. We see the future of Belize in our schoolchildren, and the future is indeed bright. By investing in our children and enabling their growth and development, we help them to live their full potential and place them on a path to achieve their goals, not only in the classroom but throughout their lives personally and professionally, eventually giving back to the very communities they came from. "

She continued, "We thank the Chairperson of the four villages, the partnering schools and their teachers and students for participating in this memorable event. Our extreme gratitude also to those FBL colleagues who worked tirelessly to ensure this back-to-school event was a success. The impressions we make today will have a lasting impact, and I look forward to seeing this event taking place every year well into the future."

The FBL Back-to-School Drive was first held in 2019. It was intended to be an annual community initiative, but efforts were placed on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. FBL is pleased to resume these efforts as a regular part of its community outreach calendar.



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