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Fortis Belize Hosts Dam Safety and Disaster Readiness Simulation

Cayo District, Belize (Friday, September 8, 2023) – On Wednesday, August 30, Fortis Belize hosted a dam safety and failure tabletop in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO). The simulation tested participants' readiness and country-wide disaster mitigation and response plans.

Fortis Belize HSE and Operations staff brainstorm with NEMO personnel during a dam safety simulation on August 30 while representatives from Joint Task Force-Bravo look on.
Fortis Belize HSE and Operations staff brainstorm with NEMO personnel during a dam safety simulation on August 30 while representatives from Joint Task Force-Bravo look on.

The Joint Task Force-Bravo U.S. Southern Command and the U.S. Embassy of Belize Security Cooperation Office were observers evaluating participant responses to the hypothetical flood.

Fortis Belize was pleased to work alongside its partners to test the company's and country's readiness for a natural disaster or national emergency. The activity was timely as we are now in the peak of the Atlantic Hurricane Season.

) Fortis Belize Operations and Maintenance Manager Tedford Pate presents his team’s response to a dam failure scenario at the recent joint disaster preparedness simulation.
) Fortis Belize Operations and Maintenance Manager Tedford Pate presents his team’s response to a dam failure scenario at the recent joint disaster preparedness simulation.

President and CEO Kay Menzies said, "We don't know when a disaster will strike, and often they occur when we least expect it. The tabletop exercise hosted in partnership with NEMO and supported by the Joint Task Force-Bravo and the U.S. Embassy of Belize reassures me that even though we cannot predict when disaster will happen, we are taking every step necessary to mitigate and prepare in all hopes of a best-case scenario outcome at a national level."

Fortis Belize thanks NEMO, the Joint Task Force-Bravo, the U.S. Embassy of Belize Security Cooperation Office, and everyone who participated to ensure the simulation was successful.



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