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A Message from the Fortis Belize President & CEO for International Women's Day

Dear Fortis Belize Stakeholders,

This year's International Women's Day (IWD) theme is #InspireInclusion. The phrase serves as a reminder that when we choose to say no to stereotypes and biases and instead embrace each other as equals, we begin to dissolve barriers that limit our individual and collective capabilities.

According to the World Economic Forum's latest Global Gender Gap Report, the energy sector is one of the industries where women are still significantly underrepresented, especially in leadership and technical roles. Here in Belize, we are ranked only 89th out of 146 countries based on the Global Gender Gap Index. This means that while we have made progress, there is still much more work to be done.

I am pleased to say that I bear witness to significant and positive changes at Fortis Belize, where we see the value of an inclusive culture and provide equal opportunities for women in all roles. Our parent company, Fortis Inc., also sees this value, having appointed me in 2021 to be the first female CEO of Fortis Belize. In 2022, we hired our first female operations & maintenance technician, our first female IT specialist and our first female Project Manager, adding to the too-small number of women serving our country through a technical role in the electricity sector. Last year, we made further strides by formally establishing our employee-led DEI committee to integrate leading practices for encouraging diversity, equity and inclusion in our everyday operations.

This year, we are taking DEI a step further with sensitivity training to help increase awareness and give our employees a better understanding of navigating sensitive topics with respect and empathy. The knowledge and skills gained will serve us well beyond the workplace as we continue toward gender equity. Our goal is for DEI to become rooted in our culture because enabling everyone to bring their authentic selves to work is how we will make a difference.

Today, I salute the inspiring women who now make up 25% of Fortis Belize’s workforce for the work they do every day and thank those who #InspireInclusion by supporting the contributions of women everywhere. We must keep forging ahead, asking ourselves the tough questions, and doing the work needed to create a world void of discrimination and bias, where all women are embraced as equals.

Happy International Women's Day!


Kay Menzies

Fortis Belize President & CEO


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